Low Self-Esteem
The impact of low self-esteem can be devastating. When our confidence suffers, all areas of our life suffer too.
What is Low Self-Esteem?
When we experience low self-esteem, we perceive ourselves as defective or flawed in some important way. We might describe ourselves as worthless, inadequate or a failure. These self-beliefs are often held at a very deep level and can become more powerful as life goes on. As a result, other problems are likely to develop including harsh self-criticism, difficulties being assertive, social isolation, and avoiding potential opportunities in life. This can lead to a vicious cycle where low self-esteem holds you back, which in turn reinforces your negative view of yourself.
Treatment for Low Self-Esteem
Improving self-esteem can have a dramatic impact upon one’s relationships and confidence, and can help reduce problematic symptoms of anxiety and low mood. I have considerable experience working with self-esteem and low self-confidence, both as the main focus for therapy and alongside the treatment of related difficulties (for example, eating difficulties or depression).
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is an effective treatment for self-esteem which focuses upon both how negative self-beliefs develop and how they have been maintained in the here-and-now. CBT can also help develop skills which boost self-esteem including assertiveness, managing criticism and recognising personal strengths and abilities.
Sometimes low self-esteem can be so entrenched that more intensive forms of psychotherapy are needed. In such cases, Cognitive Analytic Therapy and Compassion Focused Therapy can be useful additions to treatment.
Recommended Reading
- Boost Your Confidence, by Melanie Fennell.
- Self-Esteem (3rd edition), by Matthew McKay and Patrick Fanning.
- Improving Self-Esteem, by the Centre for Clinical Interventions (free self-help guide)